1. Resources in the distribution and resources available on shapechange.net
The resources needed to execute ShapeChange are contained in the distribution package, to ensure:
that ShapeChange can be run without an internet connection, and
that the execution uses the correct resources; those with which the particular version of ShapeChange was developed.
This helps avoiding issues with incompatible resources being used.
The resources for the latest release of ShapeChange are also available on shapechange.net.
The following table describes the resources in both the distribution package and on shapechange.net.
File | Description |
ShapeChange-4.0.0.jar |
The ShapeChange command line application, packaged as an executable JAR file. |
The license of the ShapeChange distribution - the GNU Public License v3. |
config |
Folder containing basic reusable fragments for configuration files. These can be included in project configuration files using XInclude. More details on configuration files are described here. Example configuration files can be found in the 'test' folder. |
config/DescriptorSourcesInspire.xml |
(since 2.0.2) An example configuration for the source of descriptive information about model elements as used in the INSPIRE application schemas. |
config/minimal.xml |
This file is a minimal configuration file that will be used if ShapeChange is invoked without parameters for example by double-clicking the JAR file. |
config/StandardAliases.xml |
This file specifies typical aliases for well-known stereotypes and is typically included in a project configuration file. This also handles different writing styles for stereotype names e.g. «featureType» vs. «Feature Type». Additional aliases may be specified in a project configuration file. |
config/StandardJsonMapEntries.xml |
Includes the standard map entries for the JSON encoding rule. Additional mappings can be defined in project configurations - or added to these central mapping files. |
config/StandardMapEntries-v21.xml |
Includes map entries configuration files for GML 2.1 schema encoding. Additional mappings can be defined in project configurations - or added to these central mapping files. |
config/StandardMapEntries-v31.xml |
Includes map entries configuration files for GML 3.1 schema encoding. Additional mappings can be defined in project configurations - or added to these central mapping files. |
config/StandardMapEntries.xml |
Includes map entries configuration files for GML 3.2 (and above) schema encoding. This provides standard XML Schema implementations for many types from ISO/TC 211 and OGC standards that are used in application schemas. Additional mappings can be defined in project configurations - or added to these central mapping files. |
config/StandardMapEntries_gml21.xml |
Map entries for basic types (e.g. from ISO 19103) according to the GML 3.2 / ISO 19136 encoding rule based on GML 2.1. |
config/StandardMapEntries_gml31.xml |
Map entries for basic types (e.g. from ISO 19103) according to the GML 3.2 / ISO 19136 encoding rule based on GML 3.1. |
config/StandardMapEntries_gmlcov.xml |
Map entries for mapping types from the GMLCOV standard to their implementations. |
config/StandardMapEntries_iso19107-v21.xml |
Map entries for mapping types from ISO 19107 (spatial schema) to their GML (2.1) implementations. |
config/StandardMapEntries_iso19107-v31.xml |
Map entries for mapping types from ISO 19107 (spatial schema) to their GML (3.1) implementations. |
config/StandardMapEntries_iso19107.xml |
Map entries for mapping types from ISO 19107 (spatial schema) to their GML (3.2 and above) implementations and their ISO/TS 19139 GSS implementations. |
config/StandardMapEntries_iso19108-v31.xml |
Map entries for mapping types from ISO 19108 (temporal schema) to their GML (3.1) implementations. |
config/StandardMapEntries_iso19108.xml |
Map entries for mapping types from ISO 19108 (temporal schema) to their GML (3.2 and above) implementations and their ISO/TS 19139 GTS implementations. |
config/StandardMapEntries_iso19111-v31.xml |
Map entries for mapping types from ISO 19111 (coordinate reference systems) to their GML (3.1) implementations. |
config/StandardMapEntries_iso19111.xml |
Map entries for mapping types from ISO 19111 (coordinate reference systems) to their GML (3.2 and above) implementations. |
config/StandardMapEntries_iso19115-v21.xml |
Map entries for mapping types from ISO 19115 (metadata) to their GML (2.1) implementations. |
config/StandardMapEntries_iso19115.xml |
Map entries for mapping types from ISO 19115 (metadata) to their ISO/TS 19139 implementations. |
config/StandardMapEntries_iso19123-v31.xml |
Map entries for mapping types from ISO 19123 (coverages) to their GML (3.1) implementations. |
config/StandardMapEntries_iso19123.xml |
Map entries for mapping types from ISO 19123 (coverages) to their GMLCOV implementations. |
config/StandardMapEntries_iso19136_2007.xml |
Map entries for basic types according to the GML 3.2 / ISO 19136 encoding rule. |
config/StandardMapEntries_iso19139_2007.xml |
Map entries for basic types according to the ISO/TS 19139 encoding rule. |
config/StandardMapEntries_iso19156.xml |
Map entries for mapping types from ISO 19158 (observation and measurements) to their OMXML implementations. |
config/StandardMapEntries_sweCommon.xml |
Includes the standard map entries for the SWE Common Data Model 2.0 encoding rule. Additional mappings can be defined in project configurations - or added to these central mapping files. |
config/StandardNamespaces-v21.xml |
Lists namespaces commonly imported from GML 2.1 application schemas. The GML namespace must be specified in any ShapeChange configuration. If you want to create a GML 2.1 application schema include this file in your configuration. |
config/StandardNamespaces-v31.xml |
Lists namespaces commonly imported from GML 3.1 application schemas. The GML namespace must be specified in any ShapeChange configuration. If you want to create a GML 3.1 application schema include this file in your configuration. |
config/StandardNamespaces.xml |
Lists namespaces commonly imported from GML 3.2/3.3 application schemas. The GML namespace must be specified in any ShapeChange configuration. If you want to create a GML 3.2/3.3 application schema include this file in your configuration. |
config/StandardRules.xml |
Specifies some pre-defined XML Schema encoding rules. |
config/StandardTagAliases.xml |
(since 2.0.2) This file specifies typical aliases for well-known descriptor tags and may be included in a project configuration file. Additional aliases may be specified in a project configuration file. |
dataModelPatterns |
Database model pattern XMI templates, used by the SQL DDL target when creating UML database models. |
documentation |
The technical documentation of ShapeChange. |
lib |
Folder containing libraries needed by ShapeChange. |
ont |
Folder with files for ontology generation |
schema |
Folder for XML Schema documents |
schema/ShapeChangeConfiguration.xsd |
XML Schema for ShapeChange configuration files. |
schema/ShapeChangeAppinfo.xsd |
XML Schema for elements embedded by ShapeChange in appinfo annotations. |
schema/ShapeChangeResult.xsd |
XML Schema for the log files created by ShapeChange. |
schema/w3c/XInclude.xsd |
XML Schema for XInclude published by W3C. |
templates |
Folder for template files used by ShapeChange. |
templates/template.docx |
Template file that can be used to create a feature catalogue output of an application schema in DOCX format. |
test.bat, test.sh and folder test |
Resources to test the installation. |
xslt |
Folder for example XSLT stylesheets that may be used by ShapeChange targets e.g. the feature catalogue generation. |
xslt/docx.xsl |
Example stylesheet to generate DOCX feature catalogues. |
xslt/frameHtml.xsl |
Example stylesheet to generate frame-based HTML feature catalogues. |
xslt/html.xsl |
Example stylesheet to generate (single-page) HTML feature catalogues. |
xslt/localizationMessages.xml |
Example XML file that contains a list of all messages required when creating a feature catalogue in different languages. This file can be customized to support additional languages. (further details: here) |
xslt/stylesheet.css |
Example cascading stylesheet that applies to frame-based HTML feature catalogues (further details: here). |